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Our aim is to improve the wellbeing of local communities and address health inequalities across Kent through collaboration with a range of local, regional and national partners.

How we do this...

We empower and support communities to live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives by delivering engaging and preventative wellbeing projects and programmes.

Our community offer includes...


Community Groups & Activities

 Wellbeing Coaching and Workshops

Nurture Wellbeing for parents / carers of children with cancer


Events & Partner Activities


Community Groups & Activities

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Mondays (excluding bank holidays)


Meet outside the cafes on the promenade at St Mildred's Bay, Westgate

Take a stroll - or a roll (if you use wheels to get about) - along our beautiful coastline and surrounding areas with others who like to 'walk and talk'.

Opportunity to engage in a monthly themed talk as we walk.

All ages welcome!

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Margate - Every Monday at 7pm

Margate Caves

Ramsgate - Every Thursday at 7pm 

Radford House

A men's wellbeing meeting where you can support and be supported. A safe place to share your experience.

Instagram: @manspace_margate


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Margate - Every Monday at 7pm

Margate Caves

Ramsgate - Every Thursday at 7pm 

Radford House

A men's wellbeing meeting where you can support and be supported. A safe place to share your experience.

Instagram: @manspace_margate


A peer support group for parents/ carers of children and young people with cancer in East Kent. The group is facilitated by a local parent with lived experience and attended by one of our local CNS paediatric oncology leads for sign posting and support. Sessions will begin online and branch out to in-person in-person events depending on participant numbers.

The group is open to all parents/ carers, no matter where they are in their child's journey. 

CMK Connect


For young people aged 13-17 years

CMK Connect includes FREE activities for young people aged 13-17 years. With the aim of connecting with others, improving your wellbeing, learning new skills and building your confidence.

There are FREE rewards for attending sessions and completing your CMK Connect card.

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Nurture Wellbeing

Providing support and hope for Parents & Carers of Children with Cancer

CMK understands the direct correlation between parent and child wellbeing in paediatric cancer and are currently working with our local hospital trusts to develop a wellbeing programme to support parents/carers of children with a cancer diagnosis in East Kent. Whilst parents and families affected by childhood cancer may benefit from nationally-based charities offering support when children are in active treatment, there is a gap in locally-based provision when parents and families return home from specialist hospitals located outside of Kent. This programme will seek to address this gap in providing a package of parent/carer wellbeing support in partnership with other locally-based community partners.

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This programme will include the following:

  • Engagement with and incorporation of parent/carer voice to inform programme development.

  • Wellbeing bags to be given to parents at the time of their child’s diagnosis.

  • Parent/carer peer support group/s.

  • A programme of wellbeing events to enhance wellbeing and build resilience (e.g. free holistic, complimentary therapies).

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Download your FREE Nurture magazine 

We are delighted to share with you our brand new 'Nurture wellbeing' magazine, created by parents of children with cancer, for parents of children with cancer.


Nurture includes a range of tools & advice, to support parents/caregivers in building hope, resilience and coping skills to protect their emotional & mental wellbeing during such difficult times.  

Download Issue 1 of 'Nuture wellbeing' - find solace in self-care.

Funded by The Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust

Wellbeing Coaching & workshops

Events & Partner

Please see below upcoming community events and partner activities.

To let us know about an event which you would like CMK to attend or you would like us to promote, please get in touch.

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Heart in the Community CIC groups and ac
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